Java API clients

Webservice clients for the Java programming language.

GBIF’s API is implemented as a set of Java webservices. Most of the webservices include a Java client. These clients are used internally by other webservices, and in integration tests.

They implement the GBIF API library (JavaDoc), which provides model objects, enumerations and interface definitions for the public API.

Internally the modules use OpenFeign and Spring Cloud OpenFeign.

Common classes and configuration for clients can be found in the project gbif-common-ws.


Maven artefacts are available in our Maven repository:


<!-- Example: Registry API -->


Refer to the webservice repositories for the clients and examples.

Also note that functionality is divided between these webservices in a different way to the sections of the API Reference documentation. For example, creation and retrieval of a download is implemented in the Occurrence module, but handling of download metadata is implemented in the Registry module.